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Support to 
Ishikawa Pref.

In response to the Ishikawa Nato Earthquake on January 1st, YFF has initiated an emergency support project to assist those impacted by the disaster.

Emergency Project

Support for those affected by the  Ishikawa Noto Earthquake

 As YFF, a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of education in underdeveloped countries, we have embarked on an emergency initiative to provide assistance to individuals impacted by the 7.6 magnitude earthquake that struck Ishikawa Prefecture on January 1st, 2024. Despite our primary focus on educational initiatives, our commitment extends to addressing urgent needs within our local community in Japan.


Recognizing the significance of supporting citizens affected by the earthquake, we have introduced two distinct projects aimed at providing relief and assistance to those in need. The details of these initiatives are outlined below.


Our Initiative

As Youth For Future, we have launched two projects in order to support those who have got affected by the earthquake. Alongside launching a crowdfunding page, we have also launched off an initiative to provide English support to students who are getting ready for their middle-school, high-school, and university entrance exams.

Emergency Support Project

As Youth For Future, we have launched two emergency projects to support citizens affected by the earthquake. The two projects can be viewed on the right. 

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Crowd Funding 

Youth For Future is actively addressing the aftermath of the recent earthquake in Ishikawa Prefecture through the launch of a crowdfunding page. Our goal is to provide vital support to those affected by utilizing the raised funds to procure and distribute essential supplies. To learn more about our emergency response initiative and contribute to our cause, kindly click below. 




English Support & Tutoring to Students 

Many students are currently getting prepared for their middle school, high school, and university entrace examinations. As Youth For Future, we have launched our very own iniative to provide English support to students affected by the earthquake. Some still unable to go to school, we have gathered a student body of bilingual speakers to hold these "English support sessions."


More information can be viewed below or on the left in Japanese. 



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