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Writer's pictureYouth For Future Organization

Special Event: Kodomo-Shokudo Program

Today we held a special event with over 35 attendees in partnership with a Kodomo-shokudo! Although our mission is to support children in orphanages in Japan, today was a special occasion where we came together to run international activities and provide food to children who use the Kodomo-shokudo service, in partnership with Kodomo-shokudo Gajymaru and Art Miraizu.

The event was filled with huge smiles and the children enjoyed both speaking and learning about all the different cultures all of our wonderful were from.We hope that our event inspired the children to further enhance their English skills and expand their perspectives on the world!

今日は、子ども食堂との協力で、35名以上が参加する特別なイベントを開催しました!私たちのミッションは日本の孤児院の子どもたちを支援することですが、今日は特別な機会として、子ども食堂Gajyumaru とArt Miraizuと協力し、子ども食堂を利用する子どもたちに国際的なアクティビティを提供し、食事を届けるイベントを実施しました。


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